
What we did

Visual Identity




Animation: Travis Ragsdale


Started in 2015, TigerBelly is a video podcast hosted by Bobby Lee and Khalyla Kuhn. A no-holds-barred arena for half truths, social no-nos, and animal behavior.

We set out to rejuvenate TigerBelly’s brand identity by highlighting Bobby Lee's role as the king of the 'Slept Kingdom', where chaos and conversation collide. With a visual and narrative driven approach, this revamp was built to immerse audiences in Bobby's imaginative world. As a result, a cohesive brand identity was built including but not limited to dynamic logo marks, playful illustrations and animation sequences.

Quotation Symbol

Creatively excellent. Our notes were implemented throughout the creative process. Dinger helped us achieve exactly what we needed.

George Kimmel IV

Producer, TigerBelly

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